Total Return Management
Total return implies a bigger bag of money at the end of the day. It is the sum total of interest or dividends plus or minus realized and unrealized gains and losses.
That’s the academic version.
Total return to an insurer is more than that: Net income, after taxes. Sustained surplus growth. Limiting and managing risk – both credit and interest rate risk. Cash flow sufficiency without undue reliance on market liquidity. That’s how AQS defines total return.
We have the tools to do it. Developed specifically for insurers, AQS has, since inception, employed the most sophisticated numerical methods and data systems to achieve real total return. Return in the context of the insurer’s performance, or the real benchmark against which executive management is evaluated.
AQS’ roots run deep into financial engineering strategies, including: tax, allocation, dynamic immunization, alternative and equity investment, too.
Beginning with our proprietary PALM and PERM platforms, AQS begins the process of identifying risk, tolerance and financial impact, all in the context of consistently funding claims or liabilities. Our process makes AQS a stakeholder in your success…
Success by Design